Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Then and Now

From John-Paul's blog at:

Me at the baja house in 2004.

JP in 2007.

Friday, November 09, 2007

South Fork Battle Creek

I went up to look at the proposed site for a new diversion dam and hydroelectric facility on the South Fork of Battle Creek.

The South Fork Battle Creek.

The fish.

The proposed dam site.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Joanna Newsom in Nevada County.

Went up to see Joanna Newsom play in her hometown (close enough). The show was held at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley, right outside of Nevada City. The local symphony was backing her and her band.

Pumpkin Ravioli

We had an autumn urge for pumpkin ravioli. Kristen and Val spent most of a perfectly fine Sunday creating a batch.


Filling (Some pumpkin, some chard).

Combine. Cook. Eat.

Nap. (Yolo County pigs, actually.)