Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Anderson Valley Brewing Company

Schooner Gulch and Bowling Ball Beach

Dick's Place

The ONLY bar in Mendocino. And it is a good one.

Mendocino Coast Picnicking

The Garcia River.

Our first picnic spot of the day. Above the Garcia river with a view to Point Arena and the Pacific.

The second picnic spot of the day.

Point Arena Lighthouse

Off to Anchor Bay

I heard somebody call this the Mendo-noma coast.

Our residence for the weekend - the "Treehouse for 2". This is the backyard ocean view. (Taken from the hot tub).

And the front yard.

Anchor Bay Beach. Sunset.

Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta

To be explored again soon.

28th Birthday Wine Tasting

Amador County - The Anti-Napa.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Goethe Park

Pickled Eggs. Finally.

I made one batch of "Yooper Eggs" -- A spicy recipe from the Upper Penninsula of Michigan -- and one batch of "Pennsylvania Dutch Yellow" eggs -- a sweeter batch made with Apple Cider Vinegar.