Trail starts out at an apparently abandoned mine complex at Slate Creek. The wind was blowing billows of this mine tailing dust into the air. Not good breathing.

Grouse are slow.

The three peaks (O'Caulkens, WCP-9, and D.O. Lee from left to right)

WCP-6 and lake.

Camp Modernism.

Looking down on O'Caulkens from camp.

Sunset views towards WCP-9. You can see why they named them the White Clouds.

In the morning looking up towards the goal--D.O. Lee Peak.

My energy was even worse than yesterday so I opted for the easier WCP-6.

At the pass there were good views west over Iron Basin to WCP-5 and off to the Sawtooths.

North face of WCP-7.
From the summit. Looking up over Bighorn Basin.

Iron Basin.

At this rate, in fifty years fifty more parties will have climbed this peak.

Coming down.

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