Day one of a month-long jaunt through southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and eventually the 225 miles of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. First stop--The Mojave.
My campspot in Jackass Canyon.
Coyote Melon. I found many of these growing along the gravelly washes at the base of Old Dad. Apparently the seeds are edible and loaded with protein and other good stuff. I didn't try them.
The destination.
The route up--the summit is the cliff in the top center of the photo. I was reluctant to head up this way, as it didn't seem possible that a route led through that mess. But one did, and although exposed, it was pretty straightforward.
Going up.
On the top.
The summit register and views towards the dry Soda Lake.
The register and my brief entry. I was only the sixth person to sign the register this year.
A couple panoramas from the summit. The first looking south/southeast, the second looking north/northwest.
Views back towards where the truck is parked from the ridge going down.
Fishhook cactus near the summit.
Looking back at Old Dad from the road out, with a Joshua Tree for perspective.